At Drakes Crossing Fire we strive to perform at our very best throughout the community and while assisting other districts. Our fleet of apparatus serve to aide the firefighters and medics to push the limits of patient care and professionalism. We all take pride in our apparatus, treating them with care and respect. We owe the members of our community greatly for their support throughout the years.

2008 Ford Explorer Command 441 is the Fire Chief's response vehicle. It was purchased in late 2010. Command 441 carries basic life support equipment along with traffic control tools for motor vehicle accidents. It is set up for commanding fires and larger incidents and for providing a portable, yet covered, work space.

Tender 449 is our primary tender, shuttling 3000 gallons of water. Tender 449 is a front mount pump capable of pumping 1000 gallons per minute. It is well suited for drafting with the pumping mechanism on the front. It hold a 3500 gallon PortaTank for holding water during water shuttling operations along with basic tools.

At Drakes Crossing Fire we strive to perform at our very best throughout the community and while assisting other districts. Our fleet of apparatus serve to aide the firefighters and medics to push the limits of patient care and professionalism. We all take pride in our apparatus, treating them with care and respect. We owe the members of our community greatly for their support throughout the years.